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Exchanges & Visits

China 2005

Mandarin Immersion Programme: Kunming

The Mandarin immersion course organised by the University of Yunann and the British Council was an unforgettable experience.  We enjoyed the temperate climate of the city of perpetual spring, along with the local dish Across the Bridge Noodles and the friendly hospitality of our hosts and locals.  In addition to our daily Mandarin classes we were taken on a number of exciting excursions to the Western Hills, Expo Park and unique Stone Forest. 

The University also introduced us to many aspects of local culture, such as a music lesson on the gourd pipe, Chinese cooking, Wu Shu and Chinese calligraphy.  Following the UK’s dismal defeat in the Anglo-Chinese basketball match an exciting challenge was issued, as the soccer stars of the next decade took on their hosts in a football match.  Fortunately, they won, which bodes well for future English and Scottish World Cup teams!

Further celebrations and treats were enjoyed such as a trip to the music and dance show Dynamic Yunann at the local theatre, along with the sumptuous opening banquet and touching closing ceremony.  Shopping proved to be a popular activity in the local markets and department stores, and gave us a wonderful opportunity to practice our new language skills when bartering and bargaining.  This was much to the amusement of our hosts who became convinced that shopping was the hobby of most Brits.  With CDs at 40p each, who can blame us?

A Fond Farewell
classroom photo 4
In a restaurant
Posing in China
By the water
The Great Wall of China
The Great Wall of China
The Great Wall of China
The Great Wall of China
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